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Những tài liệu tải lên gần đây
- Tài liệuIterative and other methods for linear ill-posed equations(Habilitationsschrift, 1995) Robert Plato
- Tài liệuRegularizing inverse problems(Non, 1993) non
- Tài liệuInverse Problems in the Mathematical Sciences(Springer Nature Link, 1993) Charles W. Groetsch
- Tài liệuInverse and Ill-Posed Problems(Academic Press, Inc, 1987) Heinz W. Engl - Institut fttr Mathematik Johannes-Kepler- Universität Linz, Austria; C.W. Groetsch - Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Cincinnati Cincinnatiy Ohio
- Tài liệuStable Approximate Evaluationof Unbounded Operators(Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007) Charles W. Groetsch - The Traubert Chair School of Science and Mathematics The Citadel Charleston, SC 29409 USA; e-mail: charles.groetsch@citadel.edu
- Tài liệuThe theory of Tikhonov regularization for Fredholm equations of the first kind(Pitman Publishing Inc, 1984) C W Groetsch