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381 ấn phẩm có sẵn

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Đang hiển thị 1 - 6 của tổng số 381 kết quả
Hiển thị
  • Tài liệu
    Basic and Clinical Pharmacology - 15e
    (McGraw Hill / Medical, 2020) Bertram Katzung; Anthony Trevor
  • Tài liệu
    Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics - 14e
    (McGraw Hill / Medical, 2023) Laurence L. Brunton - PhD Professor of Pharmacology School of Medicine University of California, San Diego La Jolla,; Björn C. Knollmann - MD, PhD William Stokes Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology Fellowship Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology Director, Vanderbilt Center for Arrhythmia Research and Therapeutics (VanCART) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville, Tennessee
  • Tài liệu
    Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques - 8e
    (Elsevier Mosby, 2014) Anne Griffin Perry; Patricia A. Potter; Wendy R. Ostendorf
  • Tài liệu
    Dental Terminology - 3e
    (Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2013) Charline M. Dofka - Vice President, Careers & Computing: Dave Garza Director of Learning Solutions: Matthew Kane
  • Tài liệu
    Medical Terminology: A Programmed Systems Approach - 10e
    (Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2010) Jean Tannis Dennerll; Phyllis E. Davis
  • Tài liệu
    Dermatolo - 4e
    (Elsevier Limited, 2018) Jean L. Bolognia - MD Professor of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Yale School of Medicine New Haven, CT, USA; Julie V. Schaffer - MD Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Director Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Division Hackensack University Medical Center Hackensack, NJ, USA; Lorenzo Cerroni - MD Associate Professor of Dermatology Director, Research Unit Dermatopathology Department of Dermatology Medical University of Graz Graz, Austria