Sách Giáo trình tiếng Anh

154 ấn phẩm có sẵn

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Đang hiển thị 1 - 6 của tổng số 154 kết quả
Hiển thị
  • Tài liệu
    VSTEP Collection 20 Mock Tests
    (Đại học sư phạm TP HCM, 2017) ThS. Nguyễn Thị Tú, ThS. Bùi Thị Phương Thảo, ThS. Hoàng Thị Phong Linh, ThS. Trần Quang Nam, ThS. Lê Thùy Trang
  • Tài liệu
    Real and complex analysis - INTERNATIONAL EDITION 1987
    (McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1987) Walter Rudin - Professor of Mathematics University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Tài liệu
    Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Edition
    (McGraw-Hill Science Engineering Math, 1976) Walter Rudin
  • Tài liệu
    Linear Algebra for Economists
    (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011) Prof. Dr. Fuad Aleskerov - National Research University Higher School of Economics Mathematics for Economics Myasnitskaya Street 20, 101000 Moscow, Russia, alesk@hse.ru; Dr. Dmitri Piontkovski - National Research University Higher School of Economics Mathematics for Economics Myasnitskaya Street 20 101000 Moscow Russia dpiontkovski@hse.ru; Dr. Hasan Ersel - Sabanci University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Orhanli-Tuzla, Istanbul Turkey hasanersel@yahoo.com
  • Tài liệu
    Calculus - 7e
    (Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012) James Stewart - McMASTER UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO
  • Tài liệu
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications - 5e
    (Pearson Education, Inc, 2016) David C. Lay - University of Maryland—College Park; Steven R. Lay - Lee University; Judi J. McDonald - Washington State University